Proposed Woolwich warehouse raises concerns about proximity to elementary school

WOOLWICH TWP. – As Woolwich Township continues to grow, various warehouses, residential expansions, and retail sites have been approved and constructed within the last several years. However, Woolwich’s newest warehouse proposition, to be located next door to the Gen. Charles G. Harker Elementary School, is raising concerns about traffic, safety and how this proposal came […]
Library officially named in honor of dedicated librarian

THE SWEDESBORO LIBRARY was officially re-named on Oct. 8, the “Margaret Dombrosky Swedesboro Public Library” in honor of its now retired namesake who served for over 30 years as branch manager. “Marge”, as she prefers to be called was instrumental in ushering in new technology, innovative programming and a commitment to the community. She helped […]
East Greenwich adds Republican Way to its list of street names

EAST GREENWICH – Republican Way is now on the official list of East Greenwich streets. This will be the location of three newly approved warehouses, just off Democrat Road. At the Oct. 11 East Greenwich Committee meeting, approval was given for three warehouses to be built along Democrat Road. Afterwards, East Greenwich Mayor Dale Archer […]
Swedesboro Christmas Parade, Nov. 26

SWEDESBORO — The Annual Swedesboro Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, Nov. 26 at 1 p.m., rain or shine. The parade will begin at the Walter Hill Elementary School and travel down Kings Highway to Church Street. The parade will feature a variety of community and business sponsored floats, performing groups, holiday characters, and […]

WOOLWICH TWP. — A proposed industrial park on Auburn Road in Woolwich is causing a stir among homeowners in the neighboring residential area along Oldmans Creek Road. The location of the proposed industrial park is adjacent to the Gen. Harker Elementary School on Oldmans Creek Road and residential homes. A community informational meeting held was […]
Swedesboro-Woolwich Parks & Recreation Upcoming Events

WOOLWICH TWP. — Need an activity for the kids when they are off from school in November? Nicole Blank, a local artist and owner of The Blank Canvas Splattered, will conduct a children’s painting class on Thursday, Nov. 10 for children aged 7 or older from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Woolwich Township Municipal […]
Logan resident in need of a kidney. Can you be the one to help?

LOGAN TWP. — Lonna Foust of Logan Township survived a terrible car accident in 1997 that almost killed her when she was only 20 years old. Now at 46, she is still suffering ramifications from the accident and needs your help. She needs a new kidney. In the accident, Lonna suffered head trauma, a collapsed […]

CLARKSBORO – A Dine & Donate Event for United Way of Gloucester County will be held at Cinder Bar from Sunday, Nov. 13 through Thursday, Nov. 17. Cinder Bar is located at 119 Berkley Rd, Clarksboro, NJ 08020. To get a voucher click the Facebook event link at Present this voucher and 15 percent […]
The Landscape is Changing: The Area’s Reported Development Plans

There’s a lot on the horizon for area residents when it comes the commercial and residential development, and updates were provided by Mayor Tom Fromm of Swedesboro, Mayor Craig Frederick of Woolwich Township, and Mayor Dale Archer of East Greenwich Township. Updates and reports were requested from the Mayor of Logan Township but none were […]
King’s Thing’s Holiday Food Distribution, Nov. 19

SWEDESBORO — King’s Things Will be holding a Drive Thru Turkey and Sides Distribution on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Clair of Assisi Church, 140 Broad St., Swedesboro, NJ 08085This is open to residents of Swedesboro, Woolwich, Logan, South Harrison, Harrison, East Greenwich and Greenwich TownshipsYOU MUST CALL 856-467-3066 […]